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Re: Telling Letting others know you are unemployed
Re: Telling Letting others know you are unemployed —
Telling someone about your misfortune is a way of reducing the power unemployment has over you. The more you share your situation, the easier it will get for you to talk about it and the overwhelming feelings of helplessness and disbelief will subside. Letting others know your situation opens the door for them to support you.

Re: Writing Your Narrative
Never let a manager, a person, or an organization control your story. You are the keeper of your life and no one can take that away from you. The way to prevent others from controlling your life is to take control yourself.

Re: Grouping- The First Five things to do after you’ve lost your job
Losing your job is like being hit by a bus. We are numb and lost. Unfortunately, there are several time-sensitive steps you need to take after losing your job in order to protect yourself and your family. I have listed the first major steps you need to take after losing work in order to minimalize the negative impact on you and your loved ones. Taking action now is one of the best ways to begin to take back the control over your life that you lost when you lost your job.

Re: Visiting Your Success
Feeling down and disheartened while out of work is normal. One of the best ways to snap out of the blues is to remind yourself of your prior success. It provides an immediate sense of achievement and also serves to remind you that there are future successes ahead.