Re: Visiting Your Success
Sometimes when we are out of work we get so bogged down with the fact that we are in the moment unemployed that it is easy to stop thinking of ourselves as accomplished individuals. We forget that we are accomplished, educated, and experienced individuals. Our focus is our current jobless state. Keeping a positive attitude while out of work is important for so many reasons- it gives us the motivation to continue to look for work and it prevents us from slipping into depression and cuts off that negative voice in our heads.
Last week I attended an excellent session as part of the Talent Development Think Tank to discuss our members’ 2021 goals. It was a great session, but it made me pause- before looking forward to 2021, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my accomplishments in 2020. In retrospect, it was a much better year than I had thought.
Here is my list:
Strengthened relationships within my work teams
Excellent End-of-Year Review
I wrote a book
Maintained good health
Raised my credit score
Re-elected as secretary for my college alumni board
Increased my career network
Served on an I&D Task Force
I wrote a book!
Became certified in Lean Six Sigma
Mentored several talented and fabulous people
Acquired two outstanding mentors (Hi, Andy and Honoree!)
Read over 40 books
Attended four virtual conferences
Recorded my first podcast
I immediately felt good about myself as I looked at my list of accomplishments. It reminded me that I managed to do so much in what was a very trying year. It reminded me that in spite of being laid off, I was very good at my job. I keep this displayed to remind me of all the things I accomplished. Did I do everything I set out to do? Of course not, but I am proud of what I did.
You should be proud of your accomplishments, too. As you continue on your Re: Working Journey, take some time today to write out a list of your accomplishments. It could be what you accomplished this year. It could be what you accomplished in your prior job or over the course of your career. It could be what you have accomplished today. Write out anything that makes you feel good about yourself— anything that makes you feel proud.
Keep your list handy-- this is something you can go back to when you’re ready to strategize 2021, when you need inspiration or when you just want to feel good about yourself.
But above all, take a few moments and celebrate your achievements.