The Blogspot

Re: Branding
One of the questions I am asked most often is how Re: Working came to be— how I chose the name and also, “What’s with that punctuation?”. Read the story here.

Re: Discovering Reading
Re: Discovering Reading— Now is the perfect time to not only get lost in a book but also to find a book that will help you learn and develop and even a book that will bring you nothing but enjoyment. Here is a COVID-inspired reading list for the bookworm in you.

Re: Viewing Unemployment in a New Light
I want people to rethink unemployment and change it from being a period of gloom and stagnation to building strength, confidence, and resistance. I hope that you will join me and let me help you on your Re: Working journey.

Re: Grouping- The First Five things to do after you’ve lost your job
Losing your job is like being hit by a bus. We are numb and lost. Unfortunately, there are several time-sensitive steps you need to take after losing your job in order to protect yourself and your family. I have listed the first major steps you need to take after losing work in order to minimalize the negative impact on you and your loved ones. Taking action now is one of the best ways to begin to take back the control over your life that you lost when you lost your job.